2022 Vendor Recruitment- Open Market
If you are a uniquely talented maker, baker, grower, artist or artisan this is a wonderful opportunity to join a vibrant fitness & wellness & oriented creative community!
We are now recruiting vendors for our Open Market Series! It will be located on Athlete’s Park at Boston Landing in Brighton, MA. This unique summer market will take place on Tuesdays, 11:30am-2pm & is slated to launch on July 26th 2022! The market will take place on select Tuesday’s through the summer and early Fall, ending on Tuesday, October 4th.
We are accepting a variety of vendors immediately!
Please reach out to me via email or cell with any follow up questions: | 617-416-8423
If you are a grower or a food / beverage vendor we will provide you with all appropriate permit guidance upon acceptance into the market.
Fill Out Application Now!